How will a Patient Know if they Need Occlusal Adjustments?

picture of beautiful woman pointing to teeth

Your jaw aches all the time. You have been to the doctor only to be reassured that there is nothing wrong with you. That doesn’t make it any easier. You have times when you feel like your jaw is not closing properly as if it is lopsided. You have been told that you grind your teeth at night and you wonder if that is part of the problem. You have a missing tooth and you have had quite a bit of dental work in the past. All of these issues may contribute to your problem. You have decided to look for answers by visiting your dentist. Maybe you can finally get to the bottom of the problem. You may be suffering from a misalignment of your jaw that requires an occlusal adjustment.

What is an Occlusal Adjustment All About?

An occlusal adjustment is a relatively simple procedure that can take care of an uneven bite. You may need an occlusal adjustment if your bite is not in proper alignment. This can result in more pressure on one side of your mouth as compared to the other. Your problems with your alignment may be due to chipped surfaces on your teeth, missing teeth, a shift in the position of your teeth, or a crowded mouth. You may have had trauma to your jaw that results in issues with your bite. An occlusal adjustment can address the problem to make corrections to your bite.

What Can You Expect from an Occlusal Adjustment?

The first step is to have an occlusal evaluation from your dentist. Your dentist will perform a visual assessment and use medical imagery in order to have a clear picture of what is happening with your teeth. If it is determined that you need an occlusal adjustment, selective grinding will take place. Your dentist will target areas of concern in your mouth using a drill that has a delicate file attached. Teeth that are causing a problem with your bite will be ground down with the drill in order to create even surfaces and a balanced bite. You need to place yourself in the hands of a dentist you can trust, someone who has a keen understanding of your bite. An occlusal adjustment will result in a permanent change to your teeth. You want to make sure that the procedure is done properly the first time you visit the dentist.

An Occlusal Adjustment Appliance Can Improve Results

In addition to your occlusal adjustment at the dentist’s office, you are likely to have an occlusal adjustment appliance that is tailored to fit your mouth. This appliance, also known as a mouth guard or night guard, is typically worn at night. The guard is designed to hold your teeth in the proper position to provide relief for your jaw and muscles. This will protect your teeth while you are sleeping and it will help your jaw to relax so that you no longer feel discomfort.

Why Have an Occlusal Adjustment?

When you have an occlusal adjustment, you can relieve the discomfort that comes with a bite that is out of alignment. Whether you have had an injury, grind your teeth, have missing teeth, or your teeth have always been out of alignment, your dentist can do something to resolve the problem. If you don’t take care of a misaligned bite, it can continue to put a great deal of strain on your jaw. A TMJ disorder could result. A TMJ disorder is caused when the joint of the jaw is not aligned properly or becomes inflamed. This can result in clicking and popping noises when you eat or talk. Your jaw may lock up from time to time when you are trying to eat. Your jaw muscles may ache all the time. Your jaw can actually cause problems with headaches and neck soreness as well. An occlusal adjustment is a minor procedure that will not require anesthesia or surgery. Wearing a mouthguard at night is a minor inconvenience that is worth the end result. When your bite is properly aligned, the pain will go away. You will have flexibility when it comes to moving your jaw. You won’t have to worry about your jaw locking up or making a popping noise.

How Can You Get Started with an Occlusal Adjustment?

If you are struggling with a problem with your bite, you won’t be able to fix it on your own. You need to get help from a medical professional. Your regular doctor cannot fix this kind of a problem. You need a dentist who focuses on issues that concern your teeth and your jaw. Begin by making a list of the kinds of symptoms you are experiencing that are connected to your jaw. Bring that list with you when you see your dentist. Be sure to be completely honest with your dentist about the problems that you are experiencing. Your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth in order to get to the root of your symptoms. In addition to an occlusal adjustment, you may require a new crown, an implant, or orthodontic treatment to correct your bite. Every situation is unique. Only your dentist can tell you what will work best for you. An occlusal adjustment is often the easiest approach to help you to correct your bite.

Make an Appointment at King of Prussia Periodontics and Dental Implants to Find Answers

If you think that you need cosmetic dentistry and occlusal adjustment in King of Prussia, PA, the dental team at the King of Prussia Periodontics and Dental Implants can point you in the right direction. Begin with a consultation visit in order to pinpoint the source of your dental problems. Once your dental professionals have a better understanding of what is happening with your mouth, it will be possible to move forward with the best treatment plan for you. Visit today to learn more about an occlusal adjustment and other options that can correct your dental problems.

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