Advantages of CoolSculpting Over Invasive Surgery


Let us face it, eating delicious food is heavenly. The bad thing is that after eating all those food and accumulating all those calories, we forget or deliberately forego working out. The result is that we gain weight and eventually become unhealthy and develop illnesses as we continue to put on pounds. If we work hard in the gym and watch what we eat we will eventually shed those unwanted pounds. There are times when no matter how hard we try and spend long hours exercising, stubborn fat does not burn off. We either just leave it as is or resort to the most drastic solution, which is surgery.

Most people would probably hate the idea of both. That is why CoolSculpting is a welcome method. It may be the ideal solution to help you minimize stubborn fat in the hips, abdomen, and lower back. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that freezes excess fat cells, causing them to die and gradually be removed by the body. It is based on the studies that fat cells below the skin are naturally harmed by cold more than other nearby tissue and by exposing fat tissue to controlled cooling over a specific period of time, the fat cells will gradually lessen and die. Doctors doing coolsclupting can attest to its effectiveness.

Non-invasive and Non-surgical Method

This procedure offers a wide range of benefits for men and women. The top three benefits are removal of fat by natural bodily processes, non-invasive and non-surgical method and shows that up to a 25% decrease of fat in an aimed treatment area can be reached with every treatment. Other benefits include no general anesthesia, fast recovery time for patients, more cost effective, and results can be seen in as little as two months. It is also a comfortable and usually relaxing procedure. It is a great alternative to liposuction, Zerona, Velashape and other treatments which have notable dangers and/or limited benefits. Watch some good coolsculpting video to know more.

If you happen to be confused on which procedure to take, whether it is CoolSculpting or liposuction, the answer to this depends on what you want to get from the procedure.  CoolSculpting is for people who have smaller pockets of stubborn fat that they want to be removed non-invasively. It cannot eliminate fat in much the same way that liposuction does. If a patient needs many areas treated and wants a significant outcome, liposuction may be better. Liposuction is also more efficient for a localized but significant abundance of fat than CoolSculpting.