Most Commonly Used Pest Entryways

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Pests can be a pain to say the least. Even for those who are fans of rats and rodents may not appreciate one turning up in their kitchen and gnawing through all their produce. When it comes to the colder months especially, this issue can make your home a place you dread to return to, let alone want to sleep in.

If you are sick of hearing the scurrying of tiny feet on the floorboards and want to get to the root of the issue, keep reading. We will discuss where the main entryways for small creatures are into your home so you can invest in safe, electronic repellents. There are great non-invasive pest control electronic you can use which thankfully do not release any toxic chemicals into the environment.

This means that once you have found the common entry points, it’s time to suit up and crack down on your infestation issues.

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  • Cracks in the Foundation – Cracks in the foundation of a home are not uncommon and may appear more as a property settles. You will commonly find them in the walls and in the foundation, which may be a way for small animals to enter your abode. Moreover, finding potential cracks and repairing them is essential to prevent them from coming and going as they please.
    Summer is a good time to inspect for any unsuspected or new cracks, so you are ready to go for the winter. Using sealants can work depending on how big and easy to access the crack is. However, if it is in concrete, you may need to search a little harder for something specific to that material so it fills
  • Sealing windows and doors – These are more ways for pests to enter,
    especially if they are not adequately sealed. Even the smallest gap in your window can allow for something into your home. Inspecting the caulking around the windows and doors is a good idea and redoing it if needed is recommended. You want to ensure not even one gap is appearing.
    Remember when you use caulk, give it time to become hard in the right temperatures to ensure it’s done properly.
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  • Passages in the walls – Several have long forgotten about the pipes and phone lines they have running through their walls. These can be great ways for pests to navigate around your home without you ever knowing. This means, you will want to put a seal around it to ensure that if anything does happen to be going through the walls, they don’t find their way into your house. A double seal outside your home may also be worthwhile if you are finding that a common pest occurs in your home regularly.

There are plenty of other spots where pest and rodents commonly hide but these are the most frequent entryways so make sure to be prepared.

This article is published in partnership of Mediabuzzer