My husband and I met on a terrific dating website where men and women can easily publish their photos and personal ads. Over a hundred thousand couples have successfully met and found true love through the service. Thousands of friendly men and women from all races, backgrounds, countries and cultures are actively searching for someone special online.
Most online dating sites are not mail order bride services. Most of them just want to provide a safe platform for people from all walks of life to place their personal ads and meet for fun, friendship and romance. The dating website where my hubby and I met provides members with an opportunity to connect online by email, chat and instant messaging so they can get to know one another without risking their privacy or exposing confidential information.
Secret to Finding my Soul Mate
I had prayed that I wanted to meet a tall engineer from the US who was older and much less likely to stray after other younger women. Most important though was that he must be a strongly committed Christian. This engineer from Minnesota fit my profile perfectly but I was too shy to contact him and never really thought that he would contact me. The next day, I checked my emails and got a message from that very same guy. I couldn’t believe it! .
The dating site we were on had search parameters which included age, religion, education and profession. It was when that he specified that he wanted to receive all profiles of any new engineers that we met. It was only a day later that he received my profile and decided to respond. Though I was younger and shorter than the parameters which he had previously listed, he decided to broaden his search when looking for someone with an engineering background or experience. Somehow, miraculously, through the tightest of time frames and broadest of choices we had somehow found each other.
On Demand?
After replying to his email, I immediately got kicked off from the site because I gave him my personal contact information which was against their rules. Fortunately, I already had his direct email address and he had mine. He sent me money the very first week. I was surprised and I didn’t know why and what for. My mother even commented that he might be a drug dealer or some sort of criminal. He said that it was for my internet expenses. On the first Sunday, only seven days after our first communications, I went to church. I began to pray and soon became convinced that he was the one for me. I don’t know why but I felt at ease with him and trusted him from the beginning.
To make a long and strange story short, we got married only three months after our first communications. We have been married for more than eleven years now and will be celebrating our twelveth anniversary in the next couple of months. We are currently living here in the US. By the way, my two younger sisters also met their husbands on an online dating site