Route Planning Software for Your Business

Are you frustrated by the long hours you spend planning daily routes to ensure that your goods and services get delivered in a timely manner?  If so, you should check out Route4Me. You would be amazed by the wealth of services they offer to make your life easier.  You don…

Best Dentist

I had a friend in the Philippines who was a dentist. She was the best dentist I ever had. She took good care of the few problems that I have had with my teeth and it did not cost me a lot of money. Good thing I was able to…

Get 15% Off on COGITO Watch for Dad

I now have two wrist watches so I don’t have the need for another one but if someone gave me a watch as a birthday present, I would gladly take it, especially if it was a COGITO Classic Watch 🙂 . I never had a fancy high end watch. The most…

50% off on Everything Sale @Rue21

I just noticed that my husband has been doing a lot of online shopping lately. The first package that he received was vitamin supplements, then an item from New Zealand and later followed by stuff from China. There are probably more things coming in the next couple of days. I…

Jetlag is a B…H

Well, we just got back from an extended vacation in the Philippines. We stayed there from the end of November to past the middle of March. It was supposed to be a business/pleasure trip that would get us away from the ravages of a Minnesota winter and hopefully accomplish…

Free Books in PDF

The internet with the help of social media has made communication with family and friends around the world easier. It makes me feel closer to them despite the physical distance. These days most people want to have access to the internet through computer, laptop or smartphone 24/7 whether they…

Obstacle Race Training Book

According to the calendar, the spring season has already started here in northern Minnesota. Unfortunately, we are still dealing with cold temperatures. Since the start of the new season, my hubby and I have had the opportunity to set out in the sun only a couple of times. We usually…