Simple Tips To Improve Your Oral Hygiene

Oral health should be an important part of your daily life. Not only does it affect your mouth, but the physical health of your entire body, as well. Learning the facts about oral hygiene, risks, and preventative measures will save you money, time, and discomfort. Here are a few basic oral health tips to help you and your family improve those San Tan smiles

Brush Twice A Day

This may seem obvious, but many people only brush once a day, usually right before bed. It’s easy to forget when you’re in the middle of the morning rush to get out the door for school or work. It might be helpful to brush as soon as you wake up, rather than trying to remember on your way out the door. Regardless, make an effort to brush at least twice a day, no matter what. 

Replace Your Toothbrush

Your toothbrush should be replaced every three or four months to ensure proper sanitation. It’s also a good idea to replace your toothbrush if you’ve been sick recently, or taken it with you on a long trip. Keeping your oral hygiene equipment clean helps reduce disease and keeps your gums and teeth healthier. Children might need to replace their toothbrush more frequently, as they tend to be rougher on them. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Call the Dentist

If you notice new mouth pain or tenderness, swollen gums, or excessive bleeding after brushing, it never hurts to call the dentist and see if you should come in. It’s much cheaper and less time consuming to prevent dental issues than it is to fix them, so call at the first sign of concern. 

Use A Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride makes your teeth stronger and helps fight bacteria. Buy toothpaste with fluoride in it, and follow it up with mouthwash for extra support. 


Many people hate flossing or think it’s a waste of time, but it is one of the most useful tools for oral hygiene. It’s important not only to floss every day but to make sure you’re flossing correctly. Be gentle and thorough. Floss removes bacteria build-up from places that the toothbrush can’t reach, so it’s your best shot at reducing cavities and gum disease. 

While oral hygiene may seem obvious to some, many people weren’t ever taught proper tools to take care of their teeth. These tips are just the beginning of improving your smile, your health, and your life.